Star=Cliff Curtis /
99503 vote /
Release Year=2019 /
Runtime=2 h 32 Minutes
Oh god shelly i miss her beautiful smile at shining. Loved the movie. Can't wait for it to come out on DVD. 4:20 Oh, you gotta run man. It's interesting how Jack seems to have no memory of his true self, but at the very end he calls Danny Bub. (The name Wendy and Jack called Danny when he was a child) In my opinion it's Jack's spirit insulting Danny by giving him the one thing he wanted from the conversation (for Jack acknowledge who he is) while at the same time doing it in way that gives Danny no closure and shows him his father's spirit doesn't care about him, his mother or the fact that he is the cause of their suffering.
* I don't want to give anything away, so this is going to be a dry and general review. br>
I really didn't know what to expect. The Shining is one of my favorite books and Kubrick's The Shining is one of my favorite movies, but I never got around to reading Doctor Sleep.
Flanagan did a thoroughly telling a story without making it feel like I was watching paint 's a deep movie with elements of horror. It'll make you think during and afterwards. If you're thing is blood, guts, gore, and jump scares (mindless horror) this is not the film for you.
Not so good this fake.
Arrogance, really. It stands to reason, of course you wouldnt wear your seatbelt.
Objectively - The greatest film based on a Stephen King novel.
This is as good a film as it is possible to make while staying true to the Stephen King lore (The Shining was better, but not exactly King-approved. The cinematography is excellent and the actors all give convincing performances. It doesn't feel rushed - which could very well happen to a Stephen King novel even with a 2h 40m runtime. In some instances, the special effects (or the logic behind them itself) will seem off, but you can easily overlook them if you are engrossed.
And the film completely engrosses you with a scene that will shift the mood from ominous to down-right sickening. You may get queasy and ignore the remainder of your snacks at this point. Like me, you may first think that this was completely unnecessary, maybe even a cheap trick. But now I think the scene also cleverly challenges the viewer. It asks them, What did you think happens next? It's one of the most graphic things I have seen in a mainstream movie in a long time.
Besides that scene, there is little else that scared me, but plenty that entertained me till the end, including the return to a famous location, and references of memorable scenes. Dan is a very likable protagonist, and you will not want to miss how he has turned out to be.
The Acting is so good subtle but still creepy not over the top whatsoever Its like watching a Jeffery Dahmer interview. Wait, In the book Abra has blue eyes and blond hair. Just watched it, was really good. Just as an interesting story and the kid character is awesome. Danny: It's over, Rose! I have the high ground! Rose: You underestimate my power! Danny: Don't try it. Rose knocks him down the stairs.